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Sterillium® is an alcoholic hand disinfectant with a proven and successful track record that spans 50 years. Its reliable antimicrobial effectiveness and excellent skin-friendliness make it stand out. The disinfectant is comprehensively effective against bacteria, yeast fungi and enveloped viruses and is especially skin-friendly and moisturizing. It increases skin moisture with regular use and has excellent skin compatibility even with long-term use. The effects of Sterillium® are immediate. Learn more about Sterillium® here.
In general, you can maintain good hand hygiene at home by simply washing your hands with soap and water and drying them well afterwards. Sterillium® is an effective disinfectant that is needed most in healthcare environments and is provided to these institutions accordingly. When our supply allows it, Sterillium is also made available to private persons in pharmacies and drug stores. Our team of professionals has compiled a comprehensively informative resource which addresses the concerns and questions of individuals who feel they require a high-strength disinfectant at home. We assess that need and offer explanations where we can in the following.
We generally recommend a risk-based and event-related hand hygiene, e.g. after contact with infected individuals, or after contact with potentially contaminated surfaces. Keep in mind that you need an appropriate amount of disinfectant solution to moisten your hands completely for 30 seconds and do not forget your fingertips and thumbs. The WHO recommends the use of alcohol-based hand disinfectants or regular and thorough hand washing, also in relation to the outbreak of the coronavirus. In addition, you should avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth and protect against infection by coughing and sneezing into the crook of your arm (coughing and sneezing etiquette) as well as keeping your distance from infected individuals.
Also read:
The 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene: https://www.bode-science-center.com/center/hand-hygiene/hand-disinfection/detail-hand-disinfection/article/five-moments-for-hand-hygiene.html
Hand disinfection at home: https://www.bode-science-center.com/center/hand-hygiene/hand-disinfection/detail-hand-disinfection/article/hand-disinfection-at-home-does-it-have-a-clear-advantage.html
Visibly soiled hands should always be washed, especially after going to the toilet. A general combination of hand disinfection and washing does not achieve an additional effect and may damage your skin's barrier layer. Our hand disinfectants contain lipid replenishers and skin care substances that can remain on the skin without causing any problems.
Our hand disinfectants have not been tested on children's skin. Please contact your doctor or pharmacist for an individual assessment in this regard.
Yes, we have products which can be used for sensitive skin. Sterillium® classic pure as the fragrance and colorant free version of the classic Sterillium® combines the known efficacy with excellent skin care properties.
Products may only be used until the printed expiry date.
Please also observe the respective shelf life after opening a product at:
SARS-CoV-2 can be inactivated by alcohol-based disinfectants which have at least a viricidal activity against enveloped viruses. All HARTMANN disinfectants for hands (Sterillium® products) are effective against SARS-CoV-2.
Coronaviruses like SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 are primarily transmitted via droplet infection. This transmission can take place directly from individual to individual when droplets containing the virus particles are transferred to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Transmission by way of contact infection via the hands, as with influenza for example, is also likely.
You can find more information at:
https://www.infektionsschutz.de/coronavirus-sars-cov-2.html#c11964 https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus
Like all coronaviruses (including SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV), the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus and can be inactivated by using disinfectants claiming at least a viricidal activity against enveloped viruses. HARTMANN disinfectants for hands (Sterillium® products), surfaces (Bacillol® products, Kohrsolin® products, Mikrobac® products, Dismozon® products) and instruments (Bomix® plus, Korsolex® products), meet these requirement and can be used.
Generally, all products with a viricidal activity against enveloped viruses, limited spectrum of viricidal activity and viricidal activity can be used. The recommended contact times must be adhered to due to the different purposes.
You can find more information on BODE disinfectants here.
Generally, the same measures that apply to the prevention of any respiratory virus are recommended: good hand hygiene, frequent hand washing (with soap for 20 seconds), alternatively the use of alcohol-based hand disinfectants that are viricidal against enveloped viruses, good coughing and sneezing etiquette as well as keeping a distance from infected individuals. Avoid touching your face.
If you returned from your holiday more than two weeks ago, you had no contact with an infected person and you also do not have symptoms of an infection or a fever, a test is not necessary according to the RKI.
In exceptional cases and after approval by the public authorities, such as the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), pharmacists can temporarily manufacture disinfectants themselves based on WHO guidelines. Disinfectants should not be manufactured by laypersons. Guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO) to manufacture disinfectants is primarily aimed at countries in which no or only a few industrially manufactured products are available. Countries in which industrially manufactured products are available should also use them.