For more than 50 years, Sterillium® has been setting standards in hand hygiene. What commenced with a simple observation in the university clinic in Hamburg became a huge success story for hygiene. Right on time for its anniversary, the classic received a very special honour: the “Deutsche Standards” publishing house crowned the classic as “Star of the 2016 brand universe”. Also for the upcoming year there is reason to celebrate: the "Deutsche Standards" once again confirms Sterillium® as "Star of the 2019 brand universe".
There are some products, when hearing their names, it is perfectly clear what purpose they serve. These brands made it into the “Champions League” – there where all brands want to go, said publisher and author Dr. Florian Langenscheidt. When people think of tissues they often have a certain brand in mind. Sterillium® is such a product. Bright blue, strong against microorganisms and skin friendly: the classic is unique and hence considered the synonym for hand disinfectants.


Every three years, the specialist publishing house “Deutsche Standards” selects the strongest brands in differing product segments. Thus, the publishing company confirms around 250 products a trend-setting function in the German economy. Sterillium® takes its place in the series of pioneering brands. No surprise, as Sterillium® was the first marketable alcohol-based hand disinfectant, and since then has constantly been setting new standards in hygiene.
When the first Sterillium® bottles left the production line on 4 June 1965, this also induced a revolution of hand hygiene – and a triumph that conquers the world today. Whether it be in India, Russia or the US: throughout the world, people appreciate the blue bottle and rely on the classic among the disinfectants. The trust in a brand is a precious asset that needs to be developed over many years. Only if users trust a product and its performance they will use it – and this is the only way, a disinfectant can inspire people all over the world.

Also the figures show how inspiring the blue disinfectant is: with approximately three billion hand disinfect procedures per year, Sterillium® is available in more than fifty countries today. But this is by far not enough for HARTMANN and its subsidiary BODE. Their joint objective is to become even better in the future and, by continually advancing their products, protect the people against infection even more safely. Because: only powerful products are able to reliably minimise risks of infection in health care. The “Brand of the Century” award therefore is additional motivation for HARTMANN and BODE to continue to make targeted investments in their research and development.