With the focus on sepsis, this year's World Hand Hygiene Day addresses one of the most common causes of death around the globe.


Sepsis: A fatal risk

Accounting for around 31 million infections and 5 million deaths per year, sepsis ranks among the most frequent causes of death throughout the world 2. Whether due to a surgical procedure or a supposedly harmless injury: every infection can develop into a blood poisoning. One key to prevent this dangerous illness therefore is to prevent the preceding nosocomial infection - for example through hygiene measures, such as hand disinfection. The reason: experts assume that up to 90 % of all pathogens are transmitted via the hands and estimate that one out of three hospital infections can be prevented by hand hygiene measures 3, 4.

It is in your hands: Measures for improved hand hygiene

Efficient hand hygiene can prevent the transmission of pathogens - and thus also nosocomial infections that may develop into a dangerous sepsis. Take charge of hand hygiene now: with these two approaches for a sustainably enhanced hand hygiene compliance.

Use an alcohol-based hand disinfectant with replenishing properties

  • State of the art: according to the World Health Organization (WHO) alcohol-based rubs are the gold standard in hand hygiene and an effective weapon against the transmission of pathogens 5
  • Sterillium®, the pioneer among the alcohol-based hand disinfectants, convinces with more than 50 years of user experience
  • Achieving 30 % more skin hydration with regular use, Sterillium® offers best compliance opportunities
  • Rapid and comprehensive antimicrobial activity combined with good skin tolerability - even with long-term use

Establish optimised working processes for more success with hand hygiene

  • Healthcare workers learn the necessary hygiene measures through the example of a concrete work process and thus gain experience and certainty
  • A standardised process for placing a peripheral venous catheter could increase the compliance by 45 % and thus considerably reduce the risk of sepsis 6

Have a try now: Learn how to reduce the risk of sepsis by a standardised working process

Already officially registered?

Become part of a global movement against sepsis - 20 465 facilities around the globe already participate!

  • Be a pioneer in hand hygiene - for your patients
  • Share your successes and challenges with other participants
  • Learn from other health experts' experience

Register now!


  1. World Health Organization. Health care without avoidable infections. The critical role of infection prevention and control. 2016
  2. https://www.global-sepsis-alliance.org/news/2017/5/26/wha-adopts-resolution-on-sepsis (accessed on 16 March 2018)
  3. Kramer, A.; Händehygiene - Patienten- und Personalschutz; GMS Krankenhaushyg Interdiszip 2006;1(1):Doc14
  4. https://www.bvmed.de/de/bvmed/presse/pressemeldungen/bvmed-hygieneforum-2012-mit-konsequenten-hygienemassnahmen-sind-rund-30-prozent-aller-krankenhausinfektionen-vermeidbar (accessed on 26 March 2018).
  5. World Health Organization, WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care. First Global Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care. 2009.
  6. Kampf, G. et al. Improving patient safety during insertion of peripheral venous catheters: an observational intervention study. GMS Hyg Infect Control, 2013; 8(2):Doc18.